Reporting and Financials

We are audited every year as per our obligations with the Australia Charities and Not For Profits Commission.
Angel-Paws Inc. is a registered Australian Charity and are registered with the Australian Tax Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient. Any donation over $2 recieved by Angel-Paws Inc. is tax deductible.

The management and board of Angel-Paws Inc. strive to ensure that all government reporting is current and transparent. 

Angel-Paws Inc. is a registered not-for-profit with the ACNC. To find out more about our reporting obligations please click here.

We are audited every year as per our obligations with the Australia Charities and Not For Profits Commission.

Please click on the relavent file to see our AGM minutes and financial records.

Minutes 2014 AGM

Minutes 2015 AGM

Financial Statements 2013/2014

Financial Statements 2014/2015